TravelWeb & eTerm
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-



  1. Product Name




  2. One-Sentence Slogan


  Pay less, get more, your wise choice for front-end sales.


  3. Product Overview


  TravelWeb is the front-end product designed for agents by China TravelSky, which has added many useful functions for the business characteristics of agents based on the eTerm function. TravelWeb is not only easy to use, feature-rich, but also easy to manage, and is the preferred tool for agents to expand their sales channels.


  4. Values to customers


  1) Access the black-screen terminals through browsers, avoid the tedious processes of client installation and software upgrading.


  2) The same or even lower use-cost, in exchange of more useful features.


  5. Product Features


  TravelWeb fully upgraded to version 3.0! Greater stability, richer features!


  1) Support multi-browsers. No longer confined to IE, fully compatible with the major browsers on market (including but not limited to 360 series, Sogou, Safari, Chrome, Firefox); exempt from the tedious black-screen control downloads, we use the latest technology, allowing you to open browsers and immediately use the black screen. Soon, we will also support the access to tablet PCs and mobile phones.


  2) Perfect black and white screens interaction. By directly clicking on the freight space codes in the black-screen AV results, the white-screen reservations and input passenger information will be automatically synchronized to the black screen, and the black-screen operation history can be easily viewed through the white screen. The contents of black and white screens are not only fully synchronized, but also the same efficient in use.





  3) Rich features. Convenient and efficient team passenger information import, more comprehensive domestic and international travels, powerful shopping inquiries for lowest prices… more functions can enhance your reservations, ticket issuances and service efficiency.


  4) Better user experiences. Not only do we hope to meet your needs in functionality, but also hope you can have intimate feelings when using the new version TravelWeb. So we have redesigned the whole website, including color, layout, and interaction, even for a seemingly simple black screen, we also support the custom fonts, sizes and color scheme.




  1. Product Name



  2. Product Overview


  Currently, eTerm has launched the version 3.84, in addition to supporting the international travel itinerary and large font library, it is fully backward compatible, inheriting the excellent characteristics of various previous eTerm versions, such as the default window maximization, large font display, etc.; it also support the import of shortcut configurations for low versions.


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