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China Eastern Key Account Sales System B2G Launched at ZTE Website
Release Date:2010-11-11 字体大小:  A+      A-

After the successful launch of its e-products at the campus websites of China Normal University and Fudan University, recently, China Eastern key account sales system B2G was launched at the website of another key account- ZTE Corporation.

By this launch, China Eastern achieves the goal of online direct sales of air tickets for its two major customers, and offers complete solutions of airline tickets inquiries, reservation, payment, billing and other travel services to corporate customers. Meanwhile, based on the two systems of B2G sales and KAMS key account management, its data interface can provide products enjoying special fares and special policies. ZTE has large and stable amount of booking tickets, and high order conversion rate (up to 90%), which will undoubtedly be beneficial to business development of China Eastern.

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