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Infosky Exceeds the Target of Product Promotion at Small and Medium Airports in 2009
Release Date:2009-12-15 字体大小:  A+      A-

To continue the implementation of “Development of Both Passenger and Cargo Transport" strategy, and speed up the development of cargo transport business as well as lay a solid foundation for air logistics information platform, Infosky successfully launches its product designed for small and medium airports in over 20 airports.

This year, Infosky has signed cargo systems agreements with 12 airports, including Xining Airport, Nanchang Changbei International Airport and Yiwu Airport, exceeding the task of 10 small and medium sized airports. Among them, signing with five airports from Jiangxi Airport Group is a good sample for winning future airport groups. Up to now, TravelSky customer base is growing with nearly 50 airports using its cargo system. The goal of “building a good foundation for air logistics information platform" has been realized gradually.

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